Region 5 Information

About Region 5
Region 5 consists of the cities of Chesapeake, Franklin, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Poquoson, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach, and Williamsburg; and the counties of Accomack, Isle of Wight, James City, Northampton, Southampton, and York.
Reinvent Hampton Roads serves as Region 5’s support organization. The support organization will provide fiduciary oversight and administrative services for activities related to GO Virginia in Region 5.
Region 5 At-A-Glance
Total Population
Total Employment
Unemployment Rate
Median Income Level
Advanced Manufacturing
Clean Energy
Cybersecurity/Data Analytics/Model-Sim
Life Sciences
Logistics/Port Operations/Warehousing
Shipbuilding and Repair
Water Technologies
Unmanned Systems and Aerospace
Council Members
Thomas R. Frantz – Chair
Lynn Taylor – Vice-Chair
Monique Adams
Patrick Coady
Dr. Marcia Conston
Stephen “Steve” Cook
Mayor Robert “Bobby” Dyer
Christen Faatz
Sharon Goodwyn
Sally Hartman
Maria Herbert
Jeffrey Holland
Bob Howard
Mark Johnson
Sarah Jane Kirkland
Aubrey Layne
Bob McKenna
Jerry Miller
Dr. John Olson
Mark Perryman
Mayor Doug Pons
John F. Reinhart
Casey Roberts
Dr. Katherine Rowe
Bryan K. Stephens
Thomas G. Tingle, AIA
Regional Resources
Recent News
October 14, 2024
October 1, 2024