The Virginia Growth and Opportunity Board is a public 24-member policy board that is responsible for several aspects of GO Virginia’s implementation.


Specifically, the GO Board is responsible for:

  • Promoting collaborative regional economic and workforce development opportunities;
  • Certifying the GO Virginia Regions and Regional Councils;
  • Distributing Virginia Growth and Opportunity Fund monies;
  • Reviewing applications for monies from the Virginia Growth and Opportunity Fund and rewarding those funds to qualifying projects;
  • Collecting and disseminating information regarding local, state, and national best practices related to collaborative regional economic and workforce development activities;
  • Organizing advisory committees around industry clusters and other areas of opportunity to inform the work of the regions; and
  • Advising and reporting to the Governor and General Assembly

Board Members

The current members of the Growth and Opportunity Board are:

Nancy Howell Agee

Todd A. Stottlemyer
Vice Chairman

Rajeev Aggarwal

Jim Cheng

Hon. Steve Cummings
Secretary of Finance

Benjamin J. Davenport Jr.

Sen. Creigh Deeds

Cliff Fleet

Heywood Fralin

Leah Fremouw

Hon. Amy Guidera
Secretary of Education

William Holtzman

Ken Johnson

Del. Terry Kilgore

John King

Sen. Louise Lucas

Del. Michelle Lopes Maldonado

Sen. Ryan McDougle

Hon. Caren Merrick
Secretary of Commerce and Trade

Emily O’Quinn

Jon Peterson

Fouad Qreitem

Del. Don Scott
Speaker of the House of Delegates

Del. Luke Torian