About Region 6

Region 6, also known as the Mary Ball Washington Regional Council, consists of the city of Fredericksburg; and the counties of Caroline, Essex, Gloucester, King and Queen, King George, King William, Lancaster, Mathews, Middlesex, Northumberland, Richmond, Spotsylvania, Stafford, and Westmoreland.

The George Washington Regional Commission serves as Region 6’s support organization. The support organization will provide fiduciary oversight and administrative services for activities related to GO Virginia in Region 6.

Region 6 At-A-Glance

Total Population
Total Employment
Unemployment Rate
Median Income Level

Aquaculture, Commercial Fishing and Seafood Processing
Forestry/Wood Products/Paper
IT and Data Centers
Logistics and Distribution
Professional Services

Regional Priority Industry Clusters

Council Members

Dr. Derek Aday
John Anzivino
William Beale
Taryn Brice-Rowland
Sarah Calveric
Rene Daniels
Bruce Davis
Jackie Davis
Jan Erkert
Val Foulds
Joel Griffin
Lisa Hull
Shannon Kennedy
Kim McClellan
Rob Quartel
Jeff Szyperski
Lindsey Watson
Linda Worrell
Kimberly Young

Regional Resources

Recent News



Ian Ginger
Program Director
(540) 642-1571

Notice: The Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is the state agency responsible for administering the GO Virginia program. Any documents supplied on this page are sourced directly from DHCD. Please forward any administrative questions to DHCD.